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Supporters of World Government, Past and Present

Given the growing controversy over the concept of world government, WCN considered it timely and desirable, not to say judicious, to list prominent individuals, past and present, who either in their writings or speeches have advocated a world government to oversee human affairs in its community. We welcome additions of credibility from readers.

Adams, Jane
Adler, Mortimer
Anderson, John
Barbevik, Percy
Barr, Stringfellow
Berger, Pierre
Beveridge, Lord
Bevin, Ernest
Boult, Sir Adrian
Bourdet, Claude
Bowles, Chester
Boyd-Orr, Lord
Breton, Andre
Bruntland, Gro Harlem
Camus, Albert
Chisholm, Brock
Clark Grenville
Clark, Sen. Joseph
Cousins, Norman
Cranston, Alan
Cronkite, Walter
Douglas, William
Dunham, Katherine
Einstein, Albert
Erasmusv Fadiman, Clifton
Fairbanks, Douglas Jr.
Finletter, Thomas
Frankel, Charles
Galbraith, John Kenneth
Gandhi, Mahatma
Gide, Andre
Gorbachev, Mikhail
Gravel, Mike
Hammerstein, Oscar
Havel, Vaclav
Herriot, Edouard
Holcombe, Arthur
Hutchins, Robert
Kant, Immanuel
LaRoque, Adm. Gene
Lloyd, Lola Maverick
Mann. Thomas
Marceau, Marcel
Menuhin, Lord
Meyer, Cord
Morita, Akio
Mowrer, Edgar A.
Mumford, Lewis
Muller, Robert
Nehru, Jawarhalel
Newman, Paul
Oppenheimer, Robert
Paine, Tom
Reagan, Ronald
Reuther, Walter
Reves, Emery
Roberts, Owen
Roosevelt, Elliot
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Rotblat, Joseph
Russell, Bertrand
Sakharov, Andrei
Sanford, Kory
Sartre, Jean-Paul
Schumann, Robert
Schwimmer, Rosika
Sohn, Louis
Stassen, Harold
Steinbeck, John
Stewart, Patrick
Talbott, Strobe
Tennyson, Lord
Thirring, Hans
Toynbee, Arnold
Usborne, Henry
Ustinov, Peter
Van Doren, Carl
Van Doren, Mark
Wald, George
Warburg, James
Wells, H.G.
White, E.B.
Wofford, Harris
Woodward, Joanne
Wright, Richard
Willkie, Wendell

Additionally, in 1951 a Congressonal Resolution calling for strenghtening the United Nations so as to have powers essential to the enactment, interpretation and enforcement of world law was supported by 115 members of Congress including two future presidents, Kennedy and Ford, and a future Secretary of State, Christian Herter. Furthermore, in a Gallup Poll in that same year, 53% expressed the view that the U.N. should be strengthened to make it a world government.

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