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Women of Vision and Action Earth-Space Process

By Carol Sue Rosin

The Women of Vision and Action (WOVA) Council has agreed to appoint a Design Team to develop a 30-Year Earth-Space Development Process, an intergenerational initiative toward the next stage of human evolution that will transform destructive systems on earth.

The Design Team, experts in a variety of fields, will work with area coordinators who will network with individuals and groups to identify programs on earth and in space that "work," that are transformational. They will help identify individuals who will form the World Space Commission and Advisors.

Founded by Citizen Diplomat Rama Vernon, the first conference attracted hundreds to Washington, D.C., in October 1994. Since then, hundreds more have gathered in approximately 60 cities. There are 500 in Sedona, Arizona, alone, where the Council recently met to coordinate forthcoming educational programs and activities.

The WOVA seem to "know" why they have gathered. They describe a spiritual connection with a global, cosmic awareness. They want to participate in the transformation process. Some "hold the light" while others participate in action.

Council Member Barbara Marx Hubbard says, "We have reached an evolutionary crossroad...facing unprecendented crises and opportunities that will lead to transformation either toward a positive future or a painful, destructive breakdown of civilization. We are the first generation to reach the limits to growth on this earth.

"Untold human energy, especially in women, is being liberated. A shift is occurring from procreation to co-creation, from self-reproduction to self-evolution, creative self-expression, chosen life purpose and meaningful work. Creativity is the greatest unused resource on earth.

"We have seen the negative scenarios...if we do not change our behavior. We must view our world as a whole system in transition.

For every problem, there are solutions occurring somewhere invented by gifted individuals, usually unknown and separated from one another, but potentially synergistic."

WOVA will map and network people in each field, discover a vision on earth and in space, a blueprint of a positive future, and create it. WOVA will seek out "what works" in communities, organizations, and in personal initiatives through "Mapping Meetings."

Eleanor LuCain, an attorney and president of WOVA, is leading WOVA to develop a framework and a contextual philosophy to help shift various systems.

Hubbard adds, "Transcendent goals include development of the human spirit and the peaceful exploration and development of outer space to transform the world's military-industrial-complex.

"There are the materials of a thousand earths in our solar system. We have access to nonterrestrial resources. There are no resource, energy or space shortages in the solar system and in the universe beyond.

"The stimulation of productivity and creativity engendered by the positive space goal positively affects every basic functional system on earth. It is a forcing function for the positive shift in every vital system on earth: e.g., education, world cooperation, environmental awareness, and adventure as we explore the wilderness of the universe while enhancing and harmonizing life on earth. It increases productivity and prosperity. It shifts the war economy to the creativity economy on earth and in space. The ultimate productivity of humanity in an integrated Earth-Space environment is astronomical."

As we enter the next Millennium, world leaders will emerge who focus on, as do the Women of Vision and Action, the significance of our evolution into the space frontier for acknowledging our spiritual oneness, for solving urgent human and earth problems, and for unleashing human creativity, life purpose, and prosperity.

Imagine what we can do with our highest technologies and services that result from our cooperative world evolution into space! War will be outlawed and replaced as we evolve into space, because we will be working together with an abundance of attractive benefits for all.

"We dedicate this 30-Year Earth-Space Development Process to the fulfillment of the lives of the children of the world for seven generations to come."

If you are a woman of vision and action, contact World Space Commission Coordinator, Carol Rosin, 424 Manzanita Avenue, Ventura, CA 93001, USA. Voice mail: (213) 225-1999. E-mail: (P.S. If you are a Man of Vision and Action, please contact the same.)

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