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The United Nations: Fooling Most of the People All of the Time

The category of politicians whom President Abraham Lincoln disliked most may have been those who fooled all of the people some of the time. But self-styled statesmen have for half a century succeeded all of the time in deluding most of the world's people into imagining that the United Nations, as presently organized, is a peacekeeping organization. This is surely the more heinous crime.

Considering the state of Western mentality, it is hardly surprising that the pseudo-statesmen have managed so well in misrepresenting the misleadingly labeled "United" Nations. Emboldened by their successful duplicity, they are now encouraging the entire world to admire the transparent clothes that have revealed the Emperor's nakedness every day during the 50 years of the U.N.'s existence.

A British delegation studying the U.N. recently described it as "a useless debating society." At the time when the San Francisco charter was first perpetrated, Cassandra (pen name of the American political commentator Dorothy Thompson) described it as:

"Something worse than nothing. It is nothing behind a facade of illusory security. Its sole purpose is to lull people to sleep in the face of danger."

The U.N. Charter is a bogus constitution aiming to legalize a system of world anarchy. Modern federalists warned the world at the time when the U.N. was concocted, not to trust an organization purporting to keep the peace by warlike means.

Even more importantly, the world cannot trust U.N. decisions-on the rare occasions when they are made-to be just and fair. The U.N. consists solely of government puppets, no opposition party being represented. Worse, it contains only a handful of democracies, hopelessly outnumbered by states whose concern for human rights is expressed seldom in words and almost never in deeds.

The so-called "United" Nations, constructed on the fallacious "cooperation" pattern, has so far failed to prevent 200 wars and 20 million war deaths. Furthermore, once a war has been settled, always by power alone, U.N. representatives sit down with the war criminals to negotiate the "peace" settlement. This usually means planning future wars by creating one or several new national sovereignties.

This is no "wise-after-the-event" critique. Even at the time of the U.N.'s formation, we federalists were predicting with unswerving conviction its ultimate ignominious failure. More significantly, we warned that its very existence would delay for at least a generation the evolution of a genuine peacekeeping organization.

For how long are we going to blindly follow those blind leaders who preach that international problems can be solved by cooperation only, and who have helped thereby to lay the world to ruins? For how long are we going to allow ourselves to be misled by these false prophets who worship a god with feet of clay? To glorify national sovereignty, incarnated in the U.N., is to swear allegiance to Mars, the god of war.

Harold S. Bidmead lives in Oslo, Norway, and is the author of The World Must Be Governed.

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